Our gear is very specific to the species we are fishing and the technique we will use to target fish. Take a moment to check out our techniques and the specific gear we use below. We provide top quality rods and reels, or if you prefer, you can bring your own gear. Just check in with us prior to ensure the gear you have will work for the areas we will be fishing during your trip.
The boat we fish and work out of is a drift boat style Clackacraft Eddy. This type of boat is the most popular among guides out here because of its low sides and wide back. This gives us more control for tracking the boat and makes it easier on the rower to get on plane.

Clackacraft boats are of top quality in the industry, boasting that their boats are bulletproof they rightfully have the slogan “Fear No Rock”. The boat is 16.9 feet in length and has room for two (2) anglers with casting braces for stability when standing to fish. The front brace is equipped with a table in front to keep your slack line from tangling when fishing.

Our boats are legal under Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife by having enough life jackets for every person in the boat and a whistle. Boats are also ready for whatever you bring. We have dry storage for gear or jackets, a life jacket of your own if you want to bring one that fits you best and a cooler for extra food or drinks.
If you want to see more about the gear we fish with click here.