The Shoshone River is a small tailwater that starts in the Absaroka Mountain range and flows into Wyoming, ending up in Bighorn Lake. Although it is a tailwater this fishery looks and fishes more like a freestone river. Although a little bit of a drive from the lodge, about an hour and a half, I have never had anyone complain once we get there and experience the Shoshone River and Wyoming.
This has to be one of the most underrated and least known rivers to fly fish in the Central Montana/Wyoming area as we rarely see more then 5 boats if even that. Dry fly and nymph fishing behind rocks and on inside bends is the best way to fish the Shoshone River as it runs with some to a little color most of the season.
Predominantly Rainbow Trout are in this section of the river but we do end up catching some Brown Trout on most days. The fishing isn’t even the best part of this river. Floating down the beautiful canyon section is sure to make some mouths drop. Many people even quit fishing to pull their phones out and take pictures! Many layers of Limestone and Basalt in amidst lots of green trees and fauna create this jaw dropping canyon.
The Shoshone River is at the top of our list of rivers to guide!
Other then the remoteness of this river and the fishing, the views of this river makes this arguably one of our favorite rivers to guide. Some of the views in Wyoming on the drive back to the lodge are also breathtaking. Honestly, some would say it is prettier than most of Montana. And that is why I think the Shoshone River is one of the coolest rivers to fish in the country!
Check out the Bighorn River here.
Check out our lodge packages here.